This is where the masterpiece begun...


Here's a team effort project with Stefan Egbert and Olha Kukhta @NYCDA

About TV

The modern Western mind finds difficulty in submitting to the moral and intellectual discipline of TV.

One of the obstacles lies in the young Europen's and American's preoccupation with the disastrous condition of the world and the urgent need of setting it right.

No doubt, striving for the improvement of the world is a most praiseworthy occupation.
Done selflessly, it clarifies the mind and purifies the heart.

Having perfected the mirror so that it reflects correctly, truly, you can turn the mirror round and see in it a true reflection of yourself - true as far as the mirror can reflect.

You can see both the image and the mirror.

You are neither. Who are you? Don't go by formulas!

The answer is not in words.

The nearest you can say in words is: I am what makes perception possible, the life beyond the experiencer and his experience.

But the reflection is not yourself - you are the seer of the reflection.
Do understand it clearly - whatever you may perceive you are not what you perceive.

We are neither the mirror nor the image in the mirror.
